Hello?! Hello?!?

I think last night was probably the best night of sleep that I’ve had since last Friday. Bellaboo is getting back to herself slowy. Just wish it was quicker but healing never seems quick.

I was freaked out a bit after waking up and seeing a missed call from my dad at 12:43am! Then there was a voicemail… my father doesn’t leave voice mails. With my mothers health, of course I’m going to freak out. I listen to the vm as quick as I can and disccover it was a pocket call. 😶

Nothing was wrong… Dad didn’t even know he called me. I have a feeling that my parents were up late playing video games. We recently took them a new xbone and mom ordered a new controller last week. Soooo my deductive resonaing along with it being almost 1am points to video games. 😂 That and the vm it self was hilarious. Mom heard my vm pick up and started asking dad about it… he had no idea and picked up the phone “hello? hello?” and hung up after a bit. I was alreayd deeply asleep and my phone goes into silent at night so it didn’t even ring on my end.

We’ll see what they say after they wake up this morning.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


A bunch of things


Mmm Startch