A bunch of things

I have 4.5 days of PTO to use, preferably before my work hire anniversary on March 12th. I’m not exactly sure how/what I want to use them. Was toying with the idea of trying to winter camp on this side of winter before it hits spring but we really need an actual winter for that. 🙁 I got a little lucky and actually had a semi-white Christmas last year…we had snow covering the ground for a good week but that’s it. I’m really hoping that winter will actually show up this Jan/Feb…but I won’t hold my breath.

Anyway, I ran my Coterie D&D game last night! I feel like this and my ToD game are well on their wait to wrapping up. I was guessing that this Coterie would actually wrap up in March at the latest. which would really work out well because the last part of it I woule prefet to be in person games rather than just via Roll20/Discord.

With the holiday stuff being over now, I’ll be getting back into DM mode I suppose 😅 It’s been a bit since I just sat down and really planned out a chunk of whatever is coming next. Pretty sure the time has come for that again. Especially if I need to order anything for the terrain or minis. I usually get the minis from this guy down in Arizona. They’re always in fantastic condition and he’s fast too!

JUST IMAGINE how much money I will be saving after these D&D games all come to an end, not to mention how much time and energy I’ll have again to actually put into my art. I keep draggin my feet really pushing forward with that. I’ve been drawing and designing in small spurts here and there. I haven’t felt like anything amazing has come from it though. I mean… it’s also partially because I dont have a space in ths house, which makes it hard for me to want to create anything because when I do, it do it in usually one pretty long session and that’s just not feasible in this place. I just dont have the space to keep my materials out.

Maybe next house.

Heh…I said that last house.

Oh well… I’ll keep saying it until it happens I suppose.

It’s time to head off to work…aka switching PCs but really just sitting in this saaaame spot. 🤓


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


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