Lack of motivation is reeeeal.

I wish I had more time on the weekends to myself. Actually, I guess that I really wish that I had a longer weekend… like a 3 day weekend. For the longers time both my Saturdays and Sundays were swallowed up by D&D. The Sunday game finaly died out maybe a year and a half ago? I can’t remember how long. Anyway, my Saturdays still belong to D&D and I do usually enjoy that. What tends to happen on Sundays though is that I just don’t really want to do anything. It tends to be the only day that I can try and relax on withough needing to do anything for anybody else. So I don’t do anything and then come Monday again, I look back and think about all the things I could have done on that lazy Sunday.

I end up making myself feel kind of bad about resting my brain and just chilling out whicih I would like to stop doing to myself. Clearly I need to just be a vegetable sometimes. Mon-Fri belongs to my daily job that is growing evermore unpleasnt and Saturday, again, is D&D.

Sometimes, even being introverted, I do want to go places and do things but it takes a lot of energy to talk myself into doing those (generally) public facing things. When Sunday rolls around I’m pretty tapped out for energy.

I guess this post is really just about how I’m kind of annoyed with myself for not doing more during my downtime. It’s not really te lack of motiviation, it’s just the lack of energy to people.

you didn't come this far to only come this far

Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Grandmother M.


Bits of Everything