BLAH. Okie. Soooo

A few bulletpoints…

  • Work is still lame

  • I continue to lift weights after work and it feels great

  • I’m not doing Keto anymore, diet is more geared towards lifing

  • Both Bella & Tuco are in good health now after the scares

  • Battle Royale plans are underway and looking good

  • I have a BUNCH of seeding starts that’s growing amazingly

  • To continue on the above statement, I can’t wait to start the garden

I think that’s mostly it for now… Ooh also I just downloaded the 10th anniversary of Skyrim extra stuff yesterday and started playing it again last night with a bunch of mods and I didn’t realize how much I missed paying that game! I didn’t play long and I don’t honestly expect to play and beat the whole game again because of all the other things I’m working on but I sure enjoy it.

Skyrim videogame 10th anniversary logo on sky wallpaper

Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

day job


I pretend.