day job

My every day job has been in a steady decline for probably the last year. Honestly, it really has been going downhill after the original owner retired and ended up selling the business to venture capitalists. There was a deal (or so the employees were told) that nothing was going to change for at least 1year as they new Board wanted to see how the company ran and worked. It was a werid year not having what we knew as our leaders anymore. It was a family business and sevearl of the owners kids ran the company.

Now the company seems to be in shambles, hemorrhaging money, and getting ito contracts with new companies that appear to have sold more in their sales pitch than what they can actually do for us. It just all around doesn’t look good. I used to love this company, I cared about it but now it’s just another job and it’s not worth my full potential… even to just keep up appearances.

All of the new people that’s been hired of placed by the new world order is inept and also seeminly has no idea how to run a business. That sad part is that I’m no where even close to exaggerating. I wish I were. If the company keeps up with what its doing, it won’t be a company in another year. I’m not proud to tell people where I work anymore when they ask. It’s a business full of selfish argumentative chauvinistic snakes


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

here we go again...


BLAH. Okie. Soooo