here we go again...

Waking up with a brain melting migrain is not cool. What is cool, is how my little Bellaboo will snuggle up next to me trying to help me feel better. 💜 She is my little sweetheart and I totally need her forever.

The more I lift, the more I’m finding out imma need a knee brace. I don’t know much about them so I guess it’s time to learn. I think I need it for more than just while I’m lifting. I’ve noticed that one of my knees tends to generally be weaker and sore more often than not. Yay getting old! 🙄

The Battle Royale is approchaing quickly and I still have a few details to figure out but it’ll be here soon. I’m really looking forward to that game. We’ll see what kind of style and flair each of my players bring to the table with their level 20 PCs. The terrain that I am building is almost done! I’m litterally dying becaue I can’t post pics of it yet. I’m pretty dang proud of how it’s turning out!


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

So Sleepy


day job