
I’ve actually been able to spend some time outside and with my plants in between wind storms. Why is it so fucking windy lately? Actually all of the time? Is it where I live now? Did I move into a wind tunnel. It really has been 100% more windy here in KC proper than it has been as any of my previous KCMetro locations.

Anyway, back to my plants, I had already planted some outside (when it wasn’t windy) and then the wind kicked up and snapped half of them off. Stupid freaking wind.

I still have a ton of plants to grow and keep up with that are still (thanfuly) short and stubby. They can stand up againt the wind. Granted I dont know what I’m going to do with 8 pumpkins and 12 tomatoes. 🤣 All the extras I planted of these things actually sprouted and came up so I’m going to try and keep them up.

Maybe I’ll have a pumpkin patch for Halloween. Taht would actually be pretty cool.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Change Direction!

