Change Direction!

If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.

There is always room from improvement or at least some kind of betterment of self. I’ve set goals on and off all this last year. (Its coming up to my birthday soon so I’m thinking about them again. haha.) I’ve acheived a few of them. Clearly not all of them. I want to say that this next year will be more acomplished. I feel like there’s a more of a drive than I had previously. There are lots of factors in that too. All of the typical ones really plus a few more obscure ones… but I think the biggest of them all is my unhappiness in my worklife. It has to change.


I had started this a few days ago thinking that I’d get back to finishing the post a few hours later. Here is it now several days later! Oh well, I came back didn’t I?

Worklife is still unhappy but unless I change jobs, nothing I can actually do to make it better. I’m not ready to change jobs. Mostly I dont want to. I want to get my own shit off the groud and work for myself. So that’s a thing. Im fine sticking it out with my shitshow of a job until that happens.

That’s all that I probably have to add on to this post since I’m not really in the mood to write… It just annoyed me that I never finshed it when I really wanted to.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


