My birthday happened! Woo! One step closer to becoming an obscure mountain witch!

Life if progressing in whatever way it’s supposed to. I’m trying to be nice to myself but it’s a hard deal. Maybe this year will be my year. I have somewhat big ideas or maybe they are just dreams? Whatever they are, I’m pretty sure at least some of them are attainable.

I feel like I go through these chunks of time where my "plan” is perfectly clear but then after a few weeks/days/hours I’m back in a fog not even getting near my intentions. I sure have great intentions but that follow through… I just keep busying myself with other stuff, new projects and “better” things to do.

I just dont get my brain sometimes buuuuut that’s how it’s always been. Kinda of a struggle to fishish a singular task withouth starting 83 more. 😂 I finished a couple of those things last night but I also added a few more to the bill.

It’s all okay though. I’ll get there. The proverbial there anyway.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

Wrapping Up


Change Direction!