
Things are still going. Bells is doing her up and down thing, we have an email out to the vet so will hopefully end up with an appointment sometime this week. She has been acting better the last day and a half, I really hope it sticks.

This coming Friday is the first day of Autumn and i’m suuuuuper excited about that. The weather has already been changing and feeling like Autumn with the cooler mornings and even the maple tree out back has red creeping into its leafs already.

This last week has been full of things… Played another session of Tyranny of Dragons on Saturday! It ended up being about a 5hr session and even kind of funneled the players to an expedited entrance into enemy territory! This means it’s really time to get building on the terraine! I am pretty excited about that. We won’t be playing for another month though, the next session we’d usually have one of the players is going to be out of town and it’s suuuper important to me to have everybody there the next couple of sessions…. they might be the last. 😱


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.

A few updates for now


so many sad sighs