thoughty thoughts

Daylight Savings Time is a bitch. I just wish somebody picks one and we stick with it forever, having to wake up before sunrise is fucking stupid. I ovbiously have feeling on the matter. Anyway, it’s apparently spring time and with that comes the lavender lattes at Starbucks. I’m a sucker for these. I’m just a sucker for any drink/tea with lavender in it though.

The last couple of weeks I have been working on my coloring with alcohol markers. It’s not nearly as difficult as I thought it might have been. I picked up the markers sometime last year but really didn’t do anything when my world fell apart. I’ve always been nervous to use color, just always been a graphite and charcoal kinda lady. Those are still my favourite mediums to work in but I’m looking to stretch my wings a a bit with some other things.

This is week two of forming new habbits. Those habbits being doing a lot of cooking prep on Sundays and not having to do any cooking during the week unless I really want to or plan something special. The amount of time I’ve gotten back is astounding! I had always wanted to do meal prep and halfassed tried in the past but I think this time it’s sticking. I don’t think I can give up that extra time all flippin’ week now! I get breakfast, lunch, and dinner all made/prepped and viola! My entire evening after work is open and no more rushing around in the morning. I very much encourage anybody to do meal prep. Pick a day and just do it.

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve also attempted to use a physical planner/journal kind of thing. Mostly to try and help my increasing awareness of neurodivergentness. They do help to a point but that whole thing of trying to make it stick is hard. I have two. One is “easy” the other is more in depth to fill out. They both are helpful but getting myself to where I just fill it out in the mornings seems like a monumental task. A few years back I had no idea what neurodivergent was until somebody called me out about it. It wasn’t in a mean or teasing way. I was part of a (now wrapped up) ttrpg roleplay podcast and one of the fans of my character genuinely asked about the way I was portraying her. At the time it was nothing I had “planned” for my character. This particular character did have a lot of the real ME in it. it was the first time that I had really been able to do that in a game. So yes, Zhaan was pretty much me in my teenage/early 20s years. Sooo when the question came up about her being neurodivergent, I had taken a stepback to look at myself after researching it. It fit. It also made me feel less… eh… crazy? Knowing that it’s not just me.

It’s time for me to log into my real day job 😭


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.



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