Updates & Plans

Okay okay okay okay

Lets try some bullet poitns on what’s happend since… errr, November? Ha….eh, 5 months to be in a depressed funk seems to have blinked by like nothing. Time is so werid and crazy at the same time.

  • Obviously I lost a HUGE chunk of my heart last October when Bellaboo passed on. She was a 15yr old cat with health problems. My heart still breaks for her and sometimes I find myself unexpectedly crying at the slightest reminder of an animal or pet passing on.

  • I have two new kittens, Oli & Scully. They’ll be 6 months old here in about a week. Bella brough these two sweet kittens to us… the fact that we burried her on the same day that they show up is just mindblowing to me. Bella 100% had a paw in jumping us to the front of the cat distribution line. Scully is so very much like Bella that it catches me off guard and also makes me tear up sometimes.

  • My company has changed a lot over the last several months. Not really for the better either…there are a lot of issues going on and several folks were let go/fired that a majority of the OG employees didn’t appreciate. My 6yr annivesary with them is coming up on the 12th of this month. I am not certain how my future with this company will pan out buuuuuuut, it does pay (most) of my bills. I wish they would give an actual raise that matches the cost of living increase. Especially now that they dont provide a yearly bonus WITHOUT telling the employees this. It’s just like the yearly bonus ghosted everybody.

  • I want to move forward with actually getting “my art” off the ground. I don’t have a better way to describe it. I just want to create and potentiall sell said creations and hopefully that will pan out so I can just work for myself. I really really need to work for myself. I know it would work out.

  • Healthwise, I’ve been pretty much crap. Yeeeeeeah. I’m back on a healthy diet with portion control AND some exercise too. Amazing! Not really. It’s just me finally crawling out of my year funk. If I’m honest, Bella’s health started going downhill last year at the end of February/March. That’s the same time I just stopped caring about my health or watching what I ate. It fucking builds up though… all that not caring or paying attention. It’s rough and my body is a bajilion percent not happy with my poor choices over the last year. I’m working to turn that aroudn though.

  • We’ve also been living in KC Metro proper for almost two years now aaaand I’m over it. Living in this area is just not for me, I need wider spaces and less stupid people. I’m also afraid to drive up here becaues the streets are so narrow and we only have the big truck, my car crapped out years ago. So unless Travis is available to drive me somwhere I dont really get out much. I’m okay with that. I’m a fantastic hermit though I’d love to be able to drive to the hobby and crafts shops by myself. We’re looking at moving when our current lease is up in June. I’m really exited for and looking forward to that change. I want to head back to the KS side of things and closer to his work office. Since I work from home permanently now, I can work from anywhere there is a decent internet connection.

  • I no longer run D&D games! It’s both happy and sad. I get to work on my personal projects now and have opend up some capacity for myself. Two of the three campaigns were wrapped up to the end and completed. One just recently blew up and had to disband. I left it out there that there may be the potential of picking it up again in the future but I’m not so sure that will be a possbility with how things ended. Only time will tell on this one.

I think those are the main points to catch up on over the last several months. I will get back into the practice of updating this blog at minimim weekly, hopefully more often than that as my routines get built. I have a lot of hopes and aspirations for this next year, with more drive too actually accomplish them.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


thoughty thoughts


…and I return