…and I return

Dealing with people can be hard. It’s a struggle to smile and talk to others when you are exhausted. It's fine to admit you're tired and take breaks, so that’s what I did. It's important to rest and take care of yourself. Remember, it's fine to focus on your own health even when people expect a lot. I was just in a bad place after Bella passed and even with her dropping off two new kittens on her way out couldn’t save me entirely from just wanting to shut down. I feel like I’ve shaken off some dust this last few days and am crawling out of the hole that I let myself sink into.

Lifes been okay. Nothing super exciting happening, just has been steady.

The kittens are now just over 5 months old. It’s amazing how well they are growing after being bottle kittens.

I’ll give a better update soon but things are looking better and I’m feeling better too. My myself.


Impoverished Bohemian #DM #Sith #Raccoon

Horror & creepy aficionado. Mountain Witch.


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Depression & A Full Heart